NTEBA February Roster 22

Playing record for Denise Millington (LWC Wanderers)
Week Frame Opposition Opponent Result Score
2 8(B) LWC Hunters Alex Brooks Won 0-1
2 14(B) LWC Hunters Damian Stafford Lost 1-0
4 4(B) LWC Bandits Andrew Saltmarsh Lost 1-0
4 7    LWC Bandits Bradley Grant Lost 1-0
7 4    LWC Hunters Alex Brooks Lost 0-1
7 9(B) LWC Hunters Nathan Gibson Lost 0-1
8 5    LWC The Wizard Justin Youd Won 0-1
8 8(B) LWC The Wizard Terry Easther Lost 1-0
9 4    LWC Bandits Peter Wallace Won 1-0
9 9(B) LWC Bandits John Fraser Won 1-0
9 14    LWC Bandits Jess Hughes Lost 0-1
10 4    LWC Hustlers Josh Hands Lost 0-1
10 9(B) LWC Hustlers Lilly Meldrum Lost 0-1
11 4    LWC Demolishers Cale Barrett Lost 0-1
11 9(B) LWC Demolishers Shayden Brown Won 1-0
11 14    LWC Demolishers John Stevenson Won 1-0
14 5    LWC Bandits Peter Wallace Won 0-1
14 8(B) LWC Bandits Phillip Hodgetts Lost 1-0
15 5    LWC Hustlers Corey Rhodes Lost 1-0
15 8(B) LWC Hustlers Tony Quach Lost 1-0

RedsealSW version 4.2.1.F on 5/06/2022 at 3:31:59 PM