February 2025 Roster
Proposed start Tuesday February 4th or 11th
Nominations Close Friday January 24th - Nominations Now Closed - Tuesday January 21st - 24 Teams - 3 Divisions x 8Teams https://nteba.com.au/index.php/8ball-t-nom
Premier League, Div1 and Div 2
Pool Stats Live Scoring for all Divisions
Singles we will try and held on a Friday night during the roster, Dates TBC as will depend on roster lengths.
Results will be updated via Pool Stats and use Live Scoring of matches, these can be accessed from the front page of our website (8Ball Results)
The committee have decided that teams can be no more than 4 weeks behind, teams who are more than 4 weeks behind will receive No Points from the Match played that night and will not receive points back even when they become financial.
The Best way is to just pay the $25 per week or even more so you are in credit and we are not in a position that we have to not award points.
Please Note: Individual payments from players will not be accepted, the whole $25 must be deposited and from just one person (Captain or nominated person) - No individual payments
Direct deposit details for your weekly team payment is below and further our results page.
Thank you to all or Sponsors, Hotels / Clubs / Teams / Players for the Support of the Association.
The NTEBA play out of Hotels and Clubs that allow us use their facilities, so please follow any direction advised by the venue / staff - (Do Not Abuse them).