Winter Results 2014
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- Parent Category: Past 8Ball Results
- Category: Winter Results 2014
- Hits: 3895
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- Parent Category: Past 8Ball Results
- Category: Winter Results 2014
- Hits: 4179
The 2014 World 8Ball Championships will be held in Blackpool, England from Sunday June 22nd to Wednesday July2nd
The NTEBA have 2 representatives in the Australian women's team in Denise Millington & Fiona Plummer and along with representatives from the Hobart 8Ball in Justin Van Diepen (Men), Alex Pace (Juniors) and also Jacob Marshall (Juniors) from Devonport we wish these players good potting along with the rest of the Australian teams in all divisions of play
From Friday June 27th their will be live streaming of matches, click the link at the top of the home page or go to the World 8Ball Pool Federation page for mor information
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- Parent Category: Past 8Ball Results
- Category: Winter Results 2014
- Hits: 3876
The 2014 Winter Roster will start on Tuesday April 29th
Rosters can be viewed on this link or from under the Winter Results 2014 on the main menu bar
Rosters, Score Sheets, Player Info will be delivered to most Hotels/ Club on Sunday April 27th
Reminder to Team Captains that the Invoice for Affiliation and Player Money will be in your Team folder, please can we all for once try and pay by the due date - your co-operation would be appreciated.
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- Parent Category: Past 8Ball Results
- Category: Winter Results 2014
- Hits: 4030
Resolved from meeting we leave the format as it currently is at 5 players per team and see how nominations continue to come in
Original Meeting Info
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- Parent Category: Past 8Ball Results
- Category: Winter Results 2014
- Hits: 4859
Josh Smart - 8Ball Benefit update
Well what a great turn out by the friends and family for the Josh Smart family benefit night, we had 60 entries in the single frame 8ball knockout and at least another 60 people just turn up to show their support for this great cause and benefit Josh's family
Thanks must go to David Kearnes (and family) who suggested the idea of the benefit and then thanks to all the people who donated prizes that were raffled on the night (a full list will be published once we have to hand)
Thanks to the NTEBA for the donation of $300 towards the prize money for the 8Ball knockout and the Launceston Workers Club for providing the venue and 8Ball Tasmania for the use of their 4 competition tables
Congratulations to Tony Quach winner of the 8ball knockout and George Zammit - Runner Up
Eightball Calcutta at the Launceston Workers Club
$10 Entry - (Single Frame)
2nd April 2014 (Wed)
6.30pm for 7pm Start
Al Money raised to benefit the
Smart Family
In Memory of
Josh Smart
(Great Prizes to be won)
Launceston Workers Club
66 Elizabeth Street, Launceston
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- Parent Category: Past 8Ball Results
- Category: Winter Results 2014
- Hits: 3937
The 2014 8Ball Tasmania Calender of Events has been set and this year the Open Team Qualifying returns to the LWC
Please note the Open Team Qyualifying will be played a lot earlier this year, so please if you wish to play get your entry in - Entry is via the 8Ball Tasmania web site and takes about 2 minutes to fill out
Rd 1: April 12th & 13th at the LWC starting at 9am and dress code applies
Rd 2: May 24th & 25th at the HWC
Rd 3: June 14th & 15th at the LWC
The State Women's qualifying will be played on April 5th & 6th at the HWC - so please if you wish to play, please make note of the earlier date for this event and get your entry in
State Masters will be played at the LWC on Saturday May 31st and Sunday June 1st (If required)
State Open Doubles will be played at the LWC on Saturday August 30th
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- Parent Category: Past 8Ball Results
- Category: Winter Results 2014
- Hits: 3879
J.Boag & Son 2014 Winter Roster 8Ball
The 2014 Winter Roster will start approx. on Tuesday April 22nd or 29th
There is also concern with the falling number of teams and players and we would love to hear from people on their thoughts on getting teams and players back playing in the lead up to the AGM and the 2014 season.
All thoughts / suggestions will be treated confidentially and then collated and looked at by the committee - Please email through, there are a lot of people out there with ideas or (complaints) - so please send through if you want your association to continue.
Email the
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- Parent Category: Past 8Ball Results
- Category: Winter Results 2014
- Hits: 3773
J.Boag & Son 2014 Winter Roster 8Ball
The 2014 Winter Roster will start approx. on Tuesday April 22nd or 29th
Nominations now open and can be found on this link - Nominations Forms will also be delivered to Hotels / Clubs Sunday March 30th for people who wish to fill out forms
- Details
- Parent Category: Past 8Ball Results
- Category: Winter Results 2014
- Hits: 3732
Eightball Tasmania are holding an association combined 'B' grade teams event on July 5th & 6th at the Launceston Workers Club and the NTEBA are eligible to select up to 2 combined teams for the event (5 players per team)
To Enter - Please use the following link - B Grade Teams Event Entry 2014
The Final Teams will be announced on the NTEBA web site on Monday June 30th - Event Cancelled Tuesday 1st July