NTEBA February Roster 22

RD 14

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LWC Ball Breakers         LWC The Thunderstruck
Tony Gall    (1)B 0 1 (1) Jacqui Sansom
Anthony Gall (2) 0 1    (2)B Jordan Sansom
Nathan Maynard    (3)B 1 0 (3) Ryan Sansom
Lucas Baylis (4) 1 0    (4)B Brad Sansom
Rodney Reynolds    (5)B 0 1 (5) Simon Thomas
Session 1 score  2 3  
Tony Gall (1) 0 1    (3)B Ryan Sansom
Scott Dunn    (2)B 0 1 (4) Brad Sansom
Nathan Maynard (3) 0 1    (5)B Simon Thomas
Lucas Baylis    (4)B 0 1 (2) Jordan Sansom
Rodney Reynolds (5) 0 1    (1)B Lenor Banday
Session 2 score  0 5  
Score after session 2  2 8  
Tony Gall    (1)B 0 1 (2) Jordan Sansom
Scott Dunn (2) 1 0    (3)B Ryan Sansom
Anthony Gall    (3)B 1 0 (1) Jacqui Sansom
Lucas Baylis (4) 0 1    (5)B Simon Thomas
Rodney Reynolds    (5)B 0 1 (4) Brad Sansom
Session 3 score  2 3  
Final score  4 11  
Scott Dunn (R)     (R) Lenor Banday
Previous matches
LWC Ball Breakers 4-11 LWC The Thunderstruck
LWC The Thunderstruck 11-4 LWC Ball Breakers
Player Played Won   Player Played Won
Anthony Gall 2 1   Brad Sansom 3 2
Lucas Baylis 3 1   Jacqui Sansom 2 1
Nathan Maynard 2 1   Jordan Sansom 3 3
Rodney Reynolds 3 0   Lenor Banday 1 1
Scott Dunn 2 1   Ryan Sansom 3 1
Tony Gall 3 0   Simon Thomas 3 3

RedsealSW version 4.2.1.F on 5/06/2022 at 3:31:48 PM