Winter Roster 2016 - Div 1 and 2

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Finals Qualification
Matches to play to qualify for finals as set = 60%
8 Nights out of 14

To view players qualified in your team head to the results page and click on your Team Stats and under the PA column it will have how many nights a player has played

Plough Inn Chalkers

Individual Leading Players
Pos Name Attend P W % TP PA PA/TP
1 Max Brient 100% 42 32 76.19% 14 14 100%
2 Ian Johnson 100% 42 29 69.04% 14 14 100%
3 Sharon Worthington 100% 42 27 64.28% 14 14 100%
4 Liam Seymour 85% 35 22 62.85% 14 12 85%
5 Shane McIntosh 100% 42 24 57.14% 14 14 100%
RedsealSW version 3.99.0.F on 4/09/2016 at 2:06:39 PM