We have changed the structure of the divisions - Div 1 is now called the Premier League, Div 2 becomes Div 1 and Div 3 will be now known as Div 2, when the Div 2 roster splits at the end of the full round of matches as per the Div 2 Roster, it will then be known as Div 2 and Div 3
The roster is now on the web site, hover on the Winter 09 tab at the top of home page and two links will appear - one for the Premier League and Div 1 and the other link for the Div 2 Roster Please Note: The Premier League and Div 1 will start on Tuesday 21st April and Div 2 will start on Tuesday 28th April, information will be delivered to Hotels / Clubs this Sunday Finals Qualification: Must play 60% of roster matches to qualify for finals, if 60% of matches works out to be - eg: 8.5 matches this will be rounded down to play 8 matches, if it works out to be 8.51 and above this will be rounded up to 9 The finals will be a final 5 format and the first two weeks of finals will be played at the Hotels who's table/s are of a quality to play finals on (Preliminary and Grand Finals wil be played at the LWC, Grand Finals will be on a Saturday night - 6pm start Association Singles: All Divisions will be played at the LWC on a Tuesday night, starting at 6.55pm for the draw (Dates on rosters)
Number of Team Players Signed: All Divisions are allowed to sign a maximum of 9 players and can sign players at any time during the roster season Bonus Premiership Point: Teams who pay the affiliation money and player money by the due date will receive a bonus premiership point, teams who do not pay will not be eligible to receive any points from future matches played until they become financial (Please Note: You DO NOT get back points you missed out on while you were un-financial, in other words make sure you pay by the due date) The Date that affiliation money and player money must be paid will be Tuesday 26th May
Why - We believe it reflects the structure of the Association, with some teams not wanting to go up a division or drop down a division, it may now come in to effect that we will try and enforce teams to go up a division if they win a lower division the preceding year and drop down a division if they finish on the bottom of that divisions ladder - Div 1 will be the highest division, it will not be mandatory for teams to go in to the Premier League (Will be an AGM 2010 discussion Item) - Have feedback on this idea send an email to us -