2014 Snooker Season
The 2014 Season will start on Monday 28th April for A Grade and Wednesday April 30th for A Reserve - Rosters will be spread across 3 nights of play for A Grade (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) and 3 nights of play for A Reserve (Tuesday, Wednesday and Exeter home games on Thursday)
There were 8 teams nominated for Thursday night and 6 teams for Wednesday night, we have tried to spread the games across as evenly as we can to accommodate players that like to play both forms of cue sports (8Ball on Tuesday nights) along with trying not to use the LWC too much on a Monday night to make sure the club is utilised as much as possible when open for 8Ball on a Tuesday night
Rosters will be at the LWC on Saturday April 26th along with registration forms and uploaded to the web site under Snooker - Snooker 2014 tab on the top menu bar
Original Info
The NTB&SA 2014 Snooker Season approx. start date wil be Wednesday April 23rd for A Reserve and Thursay April 24th A Grade
Final dates will be published in the coming weeks, along with other information on the 2014 season
Latest Update: Wednesday night will be 4 players min. per team
It was resolved Wednesday night will remain the same with 6 players per team playing 2 frames and Thursday night with 4 players per team playing best of 3 frames. The top 3 players and bottom 3 players on handicap will be drawn at random to play each other and the top 2 playes and bottom 2 players will be drawn on handicap to play each other.