J Boag Son Winter Roster 2014 Div 1 and 2 - www.nteba.com.au

Grand Finals Sat 13/8 at 7pm at LWC

Div 1
Iron Horse (7) v LWC Shooters (8)

Div 2
LWC Giants (8) v Park Blue (6)

Full Results - Score Sheets from the Knockout Section
Full Results from the Knockout Section
Open: Won by John Fraser
Div 1: Won by John Fraser
Div 2: Won by Zac Satre
Masters: Won by Andrew Saltmarsh
Women's: Won by Jenna Sampson
Under 25's: Won by Adam Youd
Summer Roster 2014/15
The expcted start date will be October 21st or 28th
More Details wil be posted to the web site

3/06/2014, Rd 6 - Team Affiliation Money and Player Money Due

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Division 1
Iron HorseIron Horse    12 3    MowbrayMowbray
Queens ArmsQueens Arms    8 7    Bolters BarBolters Bar
LWC ShootersLWC Shooters    11 4    Perth HotelPerth Hotel
Division 2
LWC GiantsLWC Giants    7 8    LWC WarriorsLWC Warriors
Newstead ChalkersNewstead Chalkers    11 4    Park Tavern BluePark Tavern Blue
Park Tavern RedPark Tavern Red    8 7    Newstead UnitedNewstead United

RedsealSW version 3.93.5.F on 6/3/2015 at 22:02